International World Rural Woman’s Day is 15th October 2010, NRWPTT will therefore host our annual Tea, Sip and Chat, in Celebration of our Rural Women.This year we plan to honour 5 rural women who over the years contributed to rural development, in the field of:-a) Agricultureb) Culturec) Small Business Developmentd) Innovative Product Developmentc) Community DevelopmentThe Theme this year is ” Sou Sou Banking, Micro Credit Development” Venue remains the same at IICA Grounds #10, Austin Street, St. AugustineThe menu for the tea include local delicacies prepared by members of the Network themselves. an invitation is extended to all, however tickets are on sale from members of at IICA Office.Stakeholders of the agricultural sector, rural women and all well-wishers are expected to join us, fun will include raffles, and locally handcrafted soaps, paper and condiments will be on sale as gift items for your Christmas gift giving.The honorees will be serenade in song as we all look forward to a wonderful evening on October 2nd 2010.This year’s event is under the chairmanship of Vice President Susan Thomas.